Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Happy World Poetry Day!

Hi guys. Once again it's World Poetry Day and poets across the world are no doubt celebrating with verse and all that goes with it. Meanwhile I'm aware that there has not been much poetry on this blog at late, but I can tell you that a new poem, rather ominously titled 'Hell's Daffodils', is nearing completion, so keep an eye out for it in the next couple of days.

In other news, Frynwys has recovered from the recent snowstorms and apart from a couple of smatterings on some of the hills, it seems that spring is finally on its way. The next installment of Frynwys Features is half done, so hopefully it won't be much of  wait before that gets posted. Also on the subject of things in a queue, the next installment of Slam Poetry on the Spot, focusing on slam champion Harry Baker, is getting underway. I'll try not to take as much time writing it as I did with the first one, so keep an eye out for that.

Other than that, it's pretty much business as usual at Tiger Verse. I have a few ideas for new features on this blog, and I'll let you know what they are when I have a more concrete template to share. I can't say too much of what 'Hell's Daffodils' will entail, other than it's exactly what it sounds like; mildly amusing insanity. It's a shame it's not quite ready for World Poetry Day, but it'll be worth the wait I'm sure.

Enjoy all the verse out there, and see you again soon!

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