Tuesday, 31 March 2015

The Tiger Poet vs. National Poetry Writing Month 2015

There's always a first for an aspiring poet. As all of you amateur poets out there know, tomorrow is the beginning of National Poetry Writing Month, otherwise known as NaPoWriMo. The way it works is pretty much explained in the name. Basically you write (or attempt to write) a poem a day for the entire month of April. It has been said that one must be foolhardy to attempt such a mammoth task, and with this in mind I consider myself more than prepared for it.

I am currently in the process of returning to Frynwys, but once I'm there this will be the focus of my writing and of this blog. If all goes well, poems should start appearing here daily starting from tomorrow. It'll continue through to 30th April, and if I stick to it, this blog should be filled with thirty new poems. Some of these poems will inevitably be terrible, but hopefully out of the squalid mountain of rock a few gems should shine through. That there was an attempt at poetic metaphor, and if I end up putting metaphors like that into my poems, I'm not holding out much hope for the rest of the month.

Still, the whole point of NaPoWriMo isn't to prepare. You can't afford to think too much about how to structure or edit a poem when you need to write one every day. What matters is meeting the deadline with thirty poems to show for it. I've already got a fair idea of what I'll be writing about. There will be a few tiger poems thrown in for good measure, but there will be some poems about other subjects as well.

In case you've been inspired by this post to get involved in NaPoWrMo, I'll post the link to the site at the bottom. I'm already looking forward to beginning the challenge tomorrow, and I'm sure all the other poets out there are preparing their pens and keyboards in earnest. Who knows, even if we don't reach the goal, it's bound to be fun.

Hope you're all having a good week. See you at the first post.

Link to the NaPoWriMo site: NaPoWriMo

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