Wednesday 25 April 2018

NaPoWriMo #25: Hornet Warning

Caution: Do Not Disturb This Hornet Nest.
Contains Vicious Warrior Insects
Liable To Sting You To Death.
Orange, Yellow and Black Markings
Are Outline To Help
If You Ignore This First Warning.
Do Not Mix With Bees
Unless You Wish To Provide
A Giant Hornet Buffet.

(Today's poem comes from the daily prompt on the NaPoWriMo website, which asks participants to write a poem in the style of a warning label to myself. Since giant hornets are warning labels in and of themselves, I'm not sure how helpful this poem will be in helping people to avoid them, but we can hope. Now with five poems to go we're finally near the finish line. See you tomorrow with the next poem!)

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