Thursday 28 September 2017

Happy National Poetry Day!

Hi guys. So it's National Poetry Day once again, and to mark it this year I haven't got much in the way of poetry. At the moment I'm still working on getting the next installment of Frynwys Features and the first installment of Slam Poetry on the Spot finished. Hopefully those will be with you within the next week. However, I can't really mark today without something made of verse, so here's a short poem about that most universal of subjects, a mole trying to find his way home.

Underground Junction

A mole burrows home,
side to side like a hairy lizard.

He approaches a junction,
dank soil and worms.

Light is unknown to him,
whiskers are his guide.

They hit a worm on the left,
chilled soil on the right.

The mole scurries down the left tunnel,
the promise of a banquet awaits.

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